basically a blog template but I'm really really lazy
they demand i take responsibility for this blog post

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<div class="box-title">blog 1.txt</div>
<p>Hey guys. Well, let me introduce myself. This is my very first blog post.
My name is Alexis. I am soon-to-be in college. I don't know what my major will be. Maybe political science.
<br>Hmm... what else. I am black and philipino mixed. I have darker skin so most people think I'm black.
<br> I am a female. Biological female, to be exact. I am hetrosexual, but I support the LGBTQ+ community of course.
<br>Anyways, I will use this blog to express my opinions and free speechings. Most of them will not be highly educated, since I am a youngin. Plus rambling about makeup, fashion, and nails.
<br><br>Peace out nerds.
March 13, 2025</p>
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<img src="" alt="RELEVANT IMAGE">
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<div class="box-title">blogz.txt</div>
<p><a href="url">blog 1 (u are here)</a>
<br>blog 2.<br>blog 3.<br>blog 4.</p>
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<img src="" alt="Blog Image 1">
<img src="" alt="Blog Image 2">