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What about on Halloween? Or spirit week? And how far will this ban go? What if you're wearing a t-shirt with a cat on it? Is that a crime?

They want to crush minorities until they have nothing but broken pieces of identity.

@amerpie The threat of being labeled an adversary is realer than being one, because a true enemy won't directly state they're against you.

@cliff538 The world is beautiful in color, but when you strip colors away, you start the see the real side of what we live in.

@chipotle Ah yes, the robot overloads are marching toward the inevitable replacement of man-made creativity with cold algorithms, per usual.

@RudyGardea Awesome. I'm an amateur photographer but my real passion is music and web design

@objectcomputer I see these chartoon characters on alleyways all the time. I see Courage the Cowardly dog a lot

@RudyGardea Very true

@RudyGardea How do you get it so detailed?